UNCTAD database on GSP utilization

The GSP preference utilization database allows you to review trade trends and utilization rates of preferences across reporting countries. Please select one of the options to continue

Utilization by product

This option shows the GSP utilization rate and imports by tariff treatment for a selected preference-receiving economy (BENEFICIARY), a selected product (PRODUCT) in a selected year (YEAR). Summary information for all available reporting preference-giving countries/economies will be displayed.

Top products imported from a beneficiary

This option shows the top 10 products imported by a reporting preference-giving economy (REPORTER) from a partner economy (BENEFICIARY) in a selected year (YEAR) using a selected level of aggregation (HS PRODUCT LEVEL)

Utilization by country

This option shows the GSP utilization rate and imports by tariff treatment for a selected reporting preference-giving economy (REPORTER), a preference-receiving economy (BENEFICIARY) in a given year (YEAR) by HS Sections